Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My new adventure!

My first blog...wow! WAHOO!

For someone who typically analyzes and plans for every detail - I have to say that this feels quite cathartic! I guess "firsts" tend to be that way. So far, it feels quite rewarding to finally put into action my ideas for creating a voice for mothers who put being a mother first.

Our world has pretty much warped our idea of motherhood into a having it all or nothing mantra. Well, I'd like to help us embrace the fact that this notion is not only false, but it's terribly destructive. For our children, our marriage...and for us!!

Here's to the moms who go to great lengths to put their role as a mother first; even when we've spent years building an identity around what we've achieved professionally. Do you smell bra's burning? I think I might!! Until tomorrow!!

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